..A week to go..

posted by lil.fawa.


*sumber : http://cdnimg.visualizeus.com*

OMG! seminggu lagi dah nak abes tahun 2011! azam this year dah termakbul kah? everyone? anyone? me? erkk..xda azam pun! kekeke~
xterasa pun apa yg dh jadi 2011 neh. Yang baek jadi teladan yg burok jadi kaen lap kaki! haha..jadi sempadan of coure. Forgive and forget lah lebeh kurang.
*harapkan yg sebaliknya jugak kat sipolan2 yg terbabit*

Quiz of my life :

Changes in marriage?
up and down of course lah..

Not yet..xda rezeki lagi. *bersabar*

Been promoted?
not listed! *rejected* haha

Financial position?
ok lah, not bad :) *xda la smpai kena catu makan*

Friendship with BFF?
still keep in touch on FB. *xjmpa lama dah :'(*

Best moment?
every single breath with hubby was the BEST moment ever! :D

dream come true?
sumday soon hopefully.

2012 wishes?
hope everyone will still alive on 2013 *belom cukup pahala lg!* ;p ngee~

..full stop..