
posted by lil.fawa.


Now is 1.25am and i'm juz done discussing wit hubby bout our future..but xsemena2 lah pulak dia tegur jerawat n said 'jerawat galak neh' ohh! Smpai hati..demm! (galak dgn awak je xpe..Haha..) hokeyh termelalut..well xdapt nak elak.heh!

So d story is about drama dat owez happend in our life, here n there like every where..and its called POLIteknik..haha..no lah. POLIGAMI.. scarry huh? mudah2an dijauhkan!

Ok seyes time..since me n en.suami merangkap sleeping partner saya neh having problems to get a baby then i'm asking him 'how if my destiny stated dat i will not to be a mother to ur child?will u do a 2nd marriage honey?' terpana seketika and he said 'ada banyak cara lg yg kita boleh ikhtiar sayang..and u have to yakin to ur self..and me neither..' and still not satisfied wit d answer (adat dah org perempuan neh) and terpk how if is there will be poligami word on our chapter of life and i asked again 'but mcamana if i can't pregnant?will u sayang?' and he said 'i might b if my destiny said so..and dat is my last options darling..but if so..fawa lah kena urus semua..i will not to find awek to bercintan cintun and bla bla bla..it is so not me anymore..lagipun xmudah kita nak cari n jumpa sum1 yg boleh paham tujuan kita kawen lagi syg..its not easy to happen..and b takut b will not be a fairly husband..banyak hati nak kena jg sayang..its not about u n me anymore if hdup bermadu..' (lega hati kecil neh dengar jawapn suami tersayang)

Hmm betol ckp en.suami..i will not to let it be unless He want it to..sharing is suffering guys! Hell NO! lgpun en.suami neh sayang sum1 like no tomorrow..kalo bermadu..i have to makan hati smpai mati la kan..mintak simpang..lgpun i owez pesan kat hati kecil neh..sabar lah..its just not d time yet..n xda rezeki lagi..bg org lain dulu..and when en.suami di sisi..no matter wat..nothing is important den our happiness.. Ya la..bukan me ja terima naseb yg sama..my dear Ielly pn still berdua ja..well dear..it just not our time kan..chill lah babe! :D

So kesimpulannya..en.hubby neh dah fell as sleep while i'm karang dis post..haha..xberminat dia dgn poligami neh..hehe..lgpun now dah 2:07am..padanlah dah smpai London..heh..but alhamdulillah we are standing still..mintak dijauhkan dr perkara2 trouble n hope our marriage will be blessed darin-Nya..amin!

..full stop..

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