..when we talk about LIFE..

posted by lil.fawa.

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Life is so simple then we take all the things easy but when we took all the thing easily, you will realize that how hard you tried to make thing easy.. penin huh?yeah me too..:)
We can't make people love wat we did and same goes to others which is not every people in our life can make us luv wat they did and this is called KARMA. or i luv to say it VICE VERSA!
so, wat i've try to tell is, life is depending on us how to create it by our own design. mcm ayat yg uools dok dengaq la..Hidup Ibarat Kain Puteh meyh..hehe..kalo dah kita kaler hitam, jemm lah hidop kita..!

All that summary above is my intro to this story..panjang kan intro saya kali neh..amek mood ja tuh..so, entry kali neh nak story bout my experienced being a wife to Mr. Husband.. as uolls tau, me dah kawen almost 7 month at this moment. i learn a lot bout life! there is no easy way to manage a harmonies family and i'm so glad dat my hubby is a responsible person! (credit to en.hubby :D). As husband and wife, it is very very very important to understand each other..i heard a lot of advice on dis..yeah it is true! u have to accept his or her as wat they are! as husband and wife jugak, kita xkan dapat lari dr salah faham..mcm last entry saya tu la, being selfish will give u NOTHING! trust me babeh! so, just tried to compromise, and plis try to accept others life way too..u will get your life happily ever after..insyaAllah.. (i will try honey)

So, tinggalkan cita keluarga harmoni kat atas neh n smbung cita saya yg sadis neh plak.. (sadis lah sangat kan..) as uolls tau jugak, i'm still NOT pregnant and i believed dat dis is not my time yet. :) baru 7 bulan kan? (me ja yg pk awal lagi) before we get married, i have fizikal and mentally prepared dat i will not get pregnant easily as other newly-weds coz i noe my self better than org lain..en.hubby pn i dah informed awal sbb me xmo dia terlalu mengharap..kalo "jatuh" sakit kan peeps? so we both had prepared our self on dis.. i'm ok wit dis sbb its not just me yg dapat naseb yg sama..my classmate kat uitm dulu a.k.a my neighbors now (sbb dia kawen ngn jiran i..kecik btol dunia neh) pn dah kawen 3thn but they still have nothing but ada dah la me dgaq2 p mengurut..baguslah at least kita ikhtiar kan.. 1st month kawen, others keep wishing "cepat2 dapat anak k?" then, 2-3 month dengaq ayat neh plak "laa bila kami nak dapat anak menakan neh?" and bila dah smpai 4-6 bulan, others will say "la..xpro la dah half a year pn xlekat lagi"!! this is wat i called ealier, KARMA! adat dah hidup kita neh..dah jadi lumrah alam..masa u blm kawen, peeps akan tanya, "bila lah aku nk mkn nasi minyak ang neh?", then once u married, they will asking bout getting pregnant..but 1 ja others will NOT ask you, "bila u nak bercerai?"hehehe..tapi kalo ada, bg penyepak ja kat mulot org tuh! haha! so, just being positive sbb kalo dilayan, lama2 bley jd gilos!

I, my self memang positive sgt bout dis matter until lah i dapat news wife to my bro in law pregnant..i noe it by my self from her status updated kat facebook..n..i just nothing to feel but sad! (dat moment la, skrg dah ok) entahlah..they got married 2 month after us and they have a gud news in 2 months ja..how great their life! dat time, me still working n otomatik ja ada ayaq dlm mata..slow2 ja jatuh..naseb bek xda org tgk..malu tau?hehe..then, me balik umah ngn perasan bengkek tadi tu bgtau my husband..dia ofkoslah hepi sbb dapat anak menakan but me?mebi xrasa hepi sgt sbb in law ja kan..n by dat moment me sebak sgt2 smpai pinjam bahu en.husband lah punya menangeh smpai bengkak mata mcm mata ikan.. dat make me felt like i'm zero! (by dat time ja) n plan to Kelantan next month tuh rasa mcm nak cancel sbb for sure in law i pn balik jugak..so mcm malu lah nak balik takut kena compare kan..kalau uolls kat tempat i rasa mcm tu x?ke i ja yg lebey2 sensetif?erk~

to be continued..