.tatau tajuk apa.

posted by lil.fawa.


holaa uolls~dah agak lama aku xupdated blog usang aku neh..ahaks...mana satu nak start ek?hurmm..since da lama sgt xupdated so for sure sgt2 lah banyak menda yg aku nk karang..1st thing, diz week will be 'da busans week ever'..apa xnya, hubby dubby aku kelik kapung,nisa plak pulang bandar n aku bekerja dan paling xska aku terpaksak bershopping2 bersandirian..urgghh!! naseb bek lah hanya dihujung jari shj..heh..
so apa yg aku nk bebel neh huh? ahaaakss! bout next week aku perlu out station to matta fair di Khell selama 5hari..tatau la apa yg membuka mata hati inchiek jul kali neh untuk participate matta fair 4 da 1st time ever..hmm..gud move inchiek jul!! hope aku p sana nant dapat ganjaran yg berbaloi2 la.bkn apa i'm risk my self n my reliationship of coz..even hubby dubby aku pn p jgk 4 their hotel but its not that easy to us..banyak halangn dan rintangan..(aku n hubby ja yg tau) but now mebi nisa pn tau kot..keke~..hope nothing bad happen..amin~
hmm..nothing to bebel..
.full stop.